B-vitamin deficiencies in blood and urine (BVB)
Identify novel biomarkers in plasma and urine that can distinguish normal aging subjects with no cognitive impairment from those with mild, moderate or severe cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Patients at least 40 years of age with MCI or mild, moderate, or severe AD
blood draw, mild discomfort, in clinic visits, urine sample
phlebotomist, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g., mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, or western blot)
Baylor Research Institute
“Discovery of Novel Biomarkers That Will Lead to the Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease (BVB).” ClinicalTrials.gov. Accessed October 10, 2019. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03136679?term=biomarker&recrs=abdf&cond=Alzheimer+Disease&rank=4