Levels of heart fatty acid binding protein in cerebrospinal fluid are significantly higher in people with Alzheimer’s disease compared with controls (effect size = 1.394, p <0.0001). This effect was consistent across the handful of available studies and highly significant. hFABP is expressed in the brain. Only the case for CSF levels not plasma/serum levels.
Invasive lumbar puncture, discomfort, recovery time in clinic to decrease risk of spinal fluid leakage
physician who can preform a lumbar puncture as well as a clinic designed for this testing, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g., mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, or western blot)
Data collected by multiple groups. Alzforum meta analysis.
“Alzheimer's Disease vs Control: hFABP (CSF).” Alzbiomarker. https://www.alzforum.org/alzbiomarker/meta-analysis/alzheimers-disease-vs-control-hfabp-csf
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