NFL (neurofilament light chain) (CSF)
A primary structural component of the neuronal cytoskeleton and a marker of large-caliber axonal disintegration elevated. Multiple studies have found that levels of neurofilament light chain are significantly higher in people with Alzheimer’s disease compared with controls (effect size = 2.313, p <0.0001). On average, levels are about double in AD patients.
Invasive lumbar puncture, discomfort, recovery time in clinic to decrease risk of spinal fluid leakage
physican who can preform a lumbar puncture as well as a clinic designed for this testing, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g.,mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, or western blot)
Data collected by multiple groups. Alzforum meta analysis.
“Alzheimer's Disease vs Control: NFL (CSF).” Alzbiomarker.
“Blood Neurofilament Light a Promising Biomarker for Alzheimer’s?” Alzforum.
Lista, S., Toschi, N., Baldacci, F., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Kilimann, I., ... & Lamari, F. (2017). Diagnostic accuracy of CSF neurofilament light chain protein in the biomarker-guided classification system for Alzheimer's disease. Neurochemistry International, 108, 355-360.
- Hampel, H., Toschi, N., Baldacci, F., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Kilimann, I., Teipel, S. J., ... & Lista, S. (2017). Alzheimer’s disease biomarker-guided diagnostic workflow using the added value of six combined cerebrospinal fluid candidates: Ab1–42, total-tau, phosphorylated-tau, NFL, neurogranin, and YKL-40. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 1(10), 10.