
ResearchersAgainstAlzheimer's would like to thank Roche Diagnostics for their support of this project.

Plasma lipoproteome

Method of Measurement (Pre-analytical Tools)
Biomarker Measured
Neuronal damage
Stage of Development
Clinical trials
Active vs Completed Trials

The objective of this study is to provide initial proof-of-concept that the plasma lipoproteome more likely differ between AD cases and controls when measured in individual plasma lipoprotein fractions than when measured as total in immunodepleted plasma.

Target Population/ Population Being Studied

People with AD

Length of Current Trial
study completed
Number of Trial Participants

5 AD cases and 5 sex- and age-matched controls

What is Required from Patients

blood draw, mild discomfort, in clinic visits

What is Required from the Health System

phlebotomist, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g.,mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, western blot, or qPCR)


Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota; Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota; Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics, University of Minnesota; Department of Biostatistics, University of Minnesota;Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Minnesota;School of Nursing, University of Minnesota

Li, D., Huang, F., Zhao, Y., Villata, P. W., Griffin, T. J., Zhang, L., ... & Yu, F. (2018). Plasma lipoproteome in Alzheimer’s disease: a proof-of-concept study. Clinical Proteomics, 15(1), 31.