Plasma putative biomarkers (i.e. Ab40 amyloid and total Ab42 amyloid, free, bound, free/bound, truncated, sAPPα) (BALTAZAR)
Examine diagnostic performance and predictive and prognostic values of new plasma markers of AD. Specifically, the main objective of the study is to examine the association between plasma free Aβ peptide concentration and (1) the risk of conversion of subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) into Alzheimer's disease (AD) and (2) the risk of worsening of the disease in patients with mild and moderate stages of AD.
People with amnestic impairment (i.e. MCI and AD)
Actual enrollment: 1067; Projected enrollment: 1300 subjects with amnestic impairment (MCI, n=650 and AD, n=650)
blood draw, mild discomfort, in clinic visits
phlebotomist, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g.,mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, western blot, or qPCR)
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
“New Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic (BALTAZAR).” Accessed October 10, 2019.