Retinal Imaging (RetAD)
Examine if using the retina can act as a model organ to study the central nervous system (CNS).The investigators will build a longitudinal database of ocular, systemic, neuro-psychiatric, MRI and PET imaging parameters of Aβ-positive and Aβ-negative patients with different stages of cognitive impairment. This database will be used to provide proof-of-concept that retinal biomarkers provide an early, accurate and non-invasive tool for AD detection and follow-up.
Ab+ AD patients, Ab+ Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients, Ab+ cognitively intact volunteers, and Ab- cognitively intact volunteers
noninvasive images of the eye,, injected dyes, PET imagining of the eyes in clinic visit
eye tracking device, eye imager, eye PET scanner, dyes, technicians
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven
“Multimodal Retinal Imaging in the Detection and Follow-up of Alzheimer's Disease (RetAD)” Accessed October 11, 2019.