UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Posts by dr. richard morgan

December 22, 2015 - Dr. Richard Morgan

Christmas: A Time to Remember the Forgotten Among Us

Rev. Dr. Richard Morgan is a founder of the UsAgainstAlzheimer's Clergy Network, the author of the upcoming Leader's Guide for Seasons of Caring: Meditations for Alzheimer's and Dementia Caregivers. I am grateful to Dr. Morgan for sharing this beautiful and simple reminder to us all. - Trish It is the Christmas season once again. Shoppers have already rushed the season with their purchases in malls and on-line. In a real way Bethlehem has become bedlam. Everyone is preoccupied with preparations, but amid all the tinsel and glitter, something is missing. Did we forget someone at Christmas? So, we listen once
April 18, 2014 - Dr. Richard Morgan

Ripple Effect

My books are like a ripple effect, taking me downstream to situations unknown. Recently, our book, “No Act of Love Is Ever Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring for Someone with Dementia” was read and used by Lynda Everman. Because of the book, Lynda contacted me about a new advocacy group open to all faith backgrounds, ClergyAgainstAlzheimer's, which I joined as a founder. 46 years ago our mother died from Parkinson’s dementia with little support, except from her family. Three years ago our sister, Patricia, died from vascular dementia. For many years I was a nursing home chaplain, offering care to