UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Posts by jason resendez

March 19, 2021 - Jason Resendez

What COVID-19 Taught Us About Race, Health and Wealth

This piece was originally published in NextAvenue. The last time I saw my family in person was last February at a conference in South Texas. It was the first time my 10-year-old nephew and six-year-old niece saw me on stage in front of hundreds of people talking about racial inequities in Alzheimer's research, my area of expertise. I don't know how much of the discussion they understood, but I know they saw their uncle, a first-generation college graduate, alongside experts from across the country holding his own. Afterwards, we munched on enchiladas and talked about the hamsters my husband and
February 11, 2020 - Jason Resendez

Millennial Alzheimer’s Advocate Takes on the New Hampshire Democratic Primary

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Jason Resendez sat down with Alzheimer’s advocate Norma Bostarr - a member of our partner organization the Youth Movement Against Alzheimer’s.
December 18, 2019 - Jason Resendez

Sitting down with Dr. Yakeel Quiroz

Neuroscientist Dr. Yakeel Quiroz was interviewed by the New York Times in November 2019 for a story on a woman with a very rare genetic mutation that has shielded her from getting dementia – despite the fact that she exhibits major neurological features of the disease. This is an extremely rare occurrence, and Dr. Quiroz was asked to comment on the reasons for it. Dr. Quiroz is a friend of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and was willing to answer a few questions about her career and expertise, and about this particular story. *** JR: Latinas in neuroscience are rare! How did you come
March 24, 2017 - Jason Resendez

Brain Health & Inequality: Reflections on the Aspen Summit on Inequality & Opportunity

The 2017 Aspen Summit on Inequality & Opportunity brought together a diverse mix of policymakers, thought leaders, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and practitioners to address the nation’s widening opportunity gap. Tucked between to-be-expected panels on manufacturing and hunger, was a 15 minute talk by Dr. Sarah Enos Watamura, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver and Director of the Child Health & Development Lab, on the biology of adversity. (Continue reading on Medium.)
March 07, 2017 - Jason Resendez

Out at Sea: Two Stories of Dementia and Caregiving

There are over 15 million family caregivers providing care for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia yet these stories are rarely found in the media, particularly the experiences of the black and brown folks that often struggle to access a diagnosis, treatment and care support. (Continue reading on Huffington Post) Jason Resendez is the Executive Director of the LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s Network & Coalition - a network of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.