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The Alzheimer’s Journey – Stories from Those Who Live the Disease
There is nothing more powerful than the stories of people who are directly affected by Alzheimer’s. This week’s BrainStorm host, Jon Summers, Chief Communications Officer at UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, spoke with a few patients and caregivers who share their deeply personal experiences to help raise awareness of Alzheimer’s. They discuss the disproportionate impact of the disease on Black and Latino people, and the hope they have for the future.
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s lifts voices of Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers to raise awareness of the disease, educate, and eliminate stigma. The UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Story Project—Voices of Hope, Inspiration and Courage is made possible by an educational grant provided by Biogen.
Produced by Susan Quirk and Amber Roniger.

About This Episode
There is nothing more powerful than the stories of people who are directly affected by Alzheimer’s. This week’s BrainStorm host, Jon Summers, Chief Communications Officer at UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, spoke with a few patients and caregivers who share their deeply personal experiences to help raise awareness of Alzheimer’s. They discuss the disproportionate impact of the disease on Black and Latino people, and the hope they have for the future.
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s lifts voices of Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers to raise awareness of the disease, educate, and eliminate stigma. The UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Story Project—Voices of Hope, Inspiration and Courage is made possible by an educational grant provided by Biogen.
Produced by Susan Quirk and Amber Roniger.