November 2, 2021

Public Health Leadership in Alzheimer’s: Equity Matters

Public Health Leadership in Alzheimer’s: Equity Matters

About This Episode

Three former U.S. Surgeons General - Dr. Richard Carmona, Dr. Jocelyn Elders, and Dr. David Satcher have been trailblazers in standing up against systemic racism and health care inequity throughout their careers. For Dr. Satcher and Dr. Elders, their connection to Alzheimer’s is very personal. 

In this episode of BrainStorm, listen to these Surgeons General talk about communities with higher incidences of Alzheimer’s, trying to move the needle toward health equity, and the importance of brain health.

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Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

How does someone with a movement disorder that effects executive functioning suddenly move to music with a dance tempo?  Concetta M.


Music and Mind Series – Part 2 with Connie Tomaino

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