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About This Episode
What if a spoonful of coconut oil each day were all it took to reverse or slow down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s?
When Dr. Mary Newport’s husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease, she – like so many of us – started searching for a treatment. And she believes she found one in coconut oil. Dr. Newport believes coconut oil gave her a few extra good years with her husband. Now, the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute at the University of South Florida (USF) is running the first-ever randomized clinical trial to investigate whether anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of coconut oil in treating Alzheimer's can be verified.
Here are some highlights from the call:
- Shortly after beginning regular treatments with coconut oil, Dr. Newport’s husband regained energy, his tremors virtually disappeared, and he got his sense of humor back.
- Anecdotal stories suggest that coconut oil could be effective against both neurological and physical symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
- It's thought by some that your liver converts part of coconut oil to ketones, which serve as an alternative fuel to the brain.
- Unlike many clinical trials, USF’s investigation of coconut oil involves two three-month treatment periods, during which all participants will receive the active treatment for one of the periods and a placebo during the other.
- You can get involved. USF is looking for participants between the ages of 60-85 who have a documented diagnosis of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Click here to find out more about how you or someone you know can enroll in the USF trial.
We’re grateful Dr. Newport was able to share her personal experience with using coconut oil to slow the symptoms of early onset Alzheimer’s and are encouraged by USF’s clinical trial to investigate the effectiveness of coconut oil to treat Alzheimer’s.
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