National Alzheimer’s Disease Index: Harnessing Community Data to Drive Brain Health Equity

*Data is obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and compiled by the National Minority Quality Forum.


About Us

What is the NADEX? The National Alzheimer’s Disease Index is a public health tool that aggregates Medicare data and enables the field to visualize and analyze Alzheimer’s health statistics by geography and by demographics. Guided by an interdisciplinary working group of experts, the tool will help catalyze the health system change needed to advance health equity in Alzheimer’s research and health services.

Data Working Group - The development of the National Alzheimer’s Disease Index is guided by a robust interdisciplinary working group of experts. The Working Group meets regularly to help define the Index’s data capabilities, buildout priorities, and methodological approach

Data Insights and Reports

A new data brief builds on the report, Place & Brain Health Equity: Understanding the County-Level Impacts of Alzheimer’s, by identifying the congressional districts that overlap with the 25 counties with the highest prevalence of Alzheimer’s among Black and Latino Americans across the United States.



This report, developed with the Urban Institute using the National Alzheimer’s Disease Index, analyzes the county-level impacts of dementia and explores the social inequities present in counties highly impacted by Alzheimer’s among Blacks and Latinos. Our report calls for an increased focus on understanding the relationship between place, the social determinants of health, and dementia risk to promote brain health equity across the lifespan.




Data Working Group

The development of the National Alzheimer's Disease Index is guided by a robust interdisciplinary working group of experts. The Working Group meets regularly to help define the Index's data capabilities, buildout priorities, and methodological approach. 

Data Working Group can be found HERE.

Request More Information

The National Alzheimer’s Disease Index ™ is a new precision public-health tool for analytics and decision modeling in support of communities with high rates of Alzheimer’s and related dementias and health disparities.

If you are interested in learning more about the development of this tool and accessing data for your research and public health promotion efforts, please fill out form here.  


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Percentage of Adults 65 and Older with Alzheimer's Disease by Race and Ethnicity

SOURCE: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2014

  • 14%African American
  • 12%Hispanics
  • 10%Non-Hispanic Whites

Alzheimer's Disease Projected to Nearly Triple by 2060

SOURCE: Census Populations Program, 2014 - 2060

  • 5m2014
  • 14m2060