Young people and youth-serving organizations united in the race to stop Alzheimer's.

Be a Part of the Movement to Engage Young People to Stop Alzheimer's.


About Us

YouthAgainstAlzheimer’s, co-convened by the Youth Movement Against Alzheimer's and UsAgainstAlzheimer's, positions Alzheimer’s as an urgent economic and public health issue impacting families across generations by mobilizing young people and youth-serving organizations through storytelling, advocacy, and coalition building.

Young People and Alzheimer’s

As the prevalence of dementia continues to grow in an aging America, and with increasingly earlier identification of persons with dementia, young adults are emerging as a significant caregiving resource. UsAgainstAlzheimer's partnered with the USC Roybal Institute on Aging to look at the unique impact of dementia caregiving on millennials.

  • 16 million

    people will be living with Alzheimer's in the United States by 2050, according to recent predictions.

  • 16%

    of dementia family caregivers are millennials.

  • $260 billion

    is the annual cost of Alzheimer's to the U.S. economy.


Our members represent diverse voices in the youth movement.

Millennials and Dementia

Millennials and Dementia Caregiving in the United States is an issue brief that analyzes millennial caregivers in the U.S. with the goal of better understanding the experiences and challenges that young people face when providing care for a family member or friend living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. The report was developed with the USC Roybal Institute on Aging and UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.