Today's Top Alzheimer's News
An April 26, 2019 Q City Metro article by Ashley Stevens relied on her own experience with her grandmother’s Alzheimer’s disease when she was a little girl. Stevens cited stats about AD’s disproportionate impact on African Americans, including projected costs and future numbers from AfricanAmericansAgainstAlzheimer’s. According to Stevens, “As this disease bankrupts our national healthcare system, it also sneakily bankrupts the pockets of our Black community and caregivers. It also takes a toll on the health of caregivers. Dementia caregivers typically experience higher rates of depression, anxiety and lower overall well-being. This is why Black brains matter.”
An April 23, 2019 The New York Times Magazine’s The Ethicist Q&A took a question about the wisdom of getting involved with trying to help a neighbor, who is alone, and may have dementia. The questioner was a caregiver for her husband, who had Alzheimer’s disease, and knows the warning signs. According to the article, “You sound willing to make the commitment to intervene here. But there are two important caveats. One is that she may simply not want your help. Even then, you ought to notify the managing agents or city officials if you have serious safety concerns. The other worry is that, in beginning to assist in the ways I recommend, you may end up being drawn into a demanding relationship. You know what it’s like to take care of someone with Alzheimer’s.”
An April 25, 2019 Being Patient Perspectives video interviewed Michael Belleville, who has Lewy body dementia (LBD), but was misdiagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer’s. Being Patient’s Founder Deborah Kan spoke with Belleville about his misdiagnosis, living with LBD, and what doctors should keep in mind when diagnosing.
An April 24, 2019 The Jewish Times article spotlighted a new documentary, “Turning Point,” about Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials. It follows researchers throughout the solanezumab trials for the treatment of early AD. The film is currently making the film festival circuit and racking-up awards. BrightFocus Foundation is the presenting sponsor.