Today's Top Alzheimer's News
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is pleased to announce the launch of “Stolen Memories: An Alzheimer's Stole Ministry and Tallit Initiative.” UsA2’s Co-Founder George Vradenburg wrote the forward to this book, which explores how while dementia steals memories, 'creative stitchery crafts' can hold memories and be used for advocacy around Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. These beautiful liturgical art pieces can increase awareness, prompt discussion, begin an educational process, promote dementia-friendly faith communities and honor people affected by Alzheimer's. The book contains photos of pastors and rabbis (and George) wearing their stoles/tallits, and their essays.
A June 27, 2019 Forbes article featured the PSA, “Hardest Crossword,” from AFA (Alzheimer’s Foundation of America), raising awareness about AD.Watch the PSA here. According to the article, “No one can solve the puzzles. And in the confusion of the attempt, the cruciverbalist (or crossword enthusiast) comes to understand in some way the effects of Alzheimer’s disease that no one can solve and that plague sufferers. The “Hardest Crossword” is based on the questions that individuals living with Alzheimer’s have lost the ability to answer because of the disease. It’s aimed at spreading awareness of the insidious disease and how difficult it is to function in everyday life when one begins to lose their memory and thinking skills.”
A June 25, 2019 Medical Xpress article looked to artificial intelligence as a possible solution for testing and managing Alzheimer’s disease. A team of researchers from several institutions employed a “novel application of supervised machine learning and predictive modeling” to validate MemTrax, a simple online memory test using image recognition as a clinical decision support screening tool, to assess cognitive impairment. MemTrax evaluates short-term memory issues related to a variety of clinical conditions and impairments, including dementia.
A June 26, 2019 Los Angeles Times op-ed by Dr. Gary Rosenberg of the University of New Mexico’s Memory and Aging Center focused on the link between vascular problems, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers are taking a fresh look at old data which found that patients with more cognitive impairment were more likely to have both amyloid and cerebrovascular brain damage. According to the article, “Hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and sleep apnea can all damage blood vessels and increase the risk of small strokes, which have emerged as a major co-factor that adversely affects cognition in old age.The importance of this realization is that, even as researchers continue to search for a definitive cure for Alzheimer’s, we also have something today to offer patients hoping to avoid or mitigate dementia: lowering vascular risk factors.”
A June 22, 2019 The Frederick News-Post article highlighted a newly-approved “senior park” within Monocacy Village Park (MD) geared toward older adults, including fitness and wellness features, with special consideration for people with physical and cognitive impairments. The park will be built by SeniorScapes and is supported by the AARP.