Today's Top Alzheimer's News
A March 23, 2020 Runner’s World article focused on a new study published in “Brain Plasticity” which found that because aerobic exercise improves brain glucose metabolism, it may help reduce the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. Study participants all had family histories of AD. According to the article, “Results showed that people who increased their aerobic fitness levels most improved both their executive function (ability for memory retention, attention, and planning), known to diminish in people with Alzheimer’s disease, and glucose metabolism (the way the brain utilizes fuel to power brain function).”
A March 21, 2020 Ottawa Courier article spotlighted Karla Hinton, caregiver to her mom, Bernice, who has dementia. Hinton talked about adjusting to the current realities and extra isolation of the COVID-19 virus, and ways to cope with the added stress. As loved ones with dementia may struggle, caregivers can focus on playing games and house cleaning, which also helps to reinforce hand washing. According to the article, “They [caregivers] do need to have someone to come in and relieve them. You need to go for a car ride yourself and relax or listen to music, or whatever it is that helps them with the stress level — they do that. They have to have that outlet.”
A March 23, 2020 ABC News 4 article featured advice from the AFA (Alzheimer’s Foundation of America) about how to keep loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia happy and active during the Coronavirus outbreak. They recommend looking through family photo albums, listening and dancing to favorite music, arts, brain exercises and video chats, among other fun activities. “Stimulating the brain is beneficial both for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Staying active and engaged can help improve mood, reduce stress and avoid caregiver burnout, and it’s even more important at a time when people are staying indoors for prolonged periods,” said AFA lead Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr.