Today’s Top Alzheimer’s News
A January 9, 2018 New Atlas article focused on J147, one of the most promising drugs in the Alzheimer’s disease pipeline, as well as other age-related diseases. It binds to the ATP protein and prevents age-related damage to the brain. According to study author Dave Schubert, "People have always thought that you need separate drugs for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and stroke. But it may be that by targeting aging we can treat or slow down many pathological conditions that are old-age-associated."
A January 2, 2018 Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) “Alzheimer’s Matters” blog post named the top five Alzheimer’s advances in 2017. They include drug pipeline diversity, more prevention trials, new investments and collaborations, and the promise of neuronal regeneration. According to the ADDF, “There are more drugs in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s than ever before, and we will continue to do all we can to ensure their success. But we are not there yet. In 2018, we vow to keep forging ahead, as quickly as possible, until Alzheimer’s is no longer a disease to be feared.”
A January 9, 2018 Press Herald article reported that the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act was approved unanimously by both the House and Senate. Backed by by Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), and Tammy Baldwin, (D-WI), it heads now to the President. According to the article, the bill “directs the secretary of health and human services ‘to develop and sustain a strategy to recognize and support’ family caregivers, will lead to a plan that can ‘leverage our resources, promote best practices and expand services and training available to caregivers.’ "
A January 9, 2018 Fox Business broadcast segment interviewed Merck CEO Ken Frazier about global growth, the Amazon effect (getting into the drug distribution business), tax reform and opportunities in drug research. According to Frazier, “If you live to 65, there is a 1 in 9 chance of having Alzheimer’s, if you live to 85, it’s a 1 in 3 chance. Soon, Alzheimer’s will cost [the U.S.] almost $1 trillion.”
A January 8, 2018 The Guardian article interviewed Ashley Campbell, daughter of country music legend, Glen Campbell. She is making the rounds with her debut album, The Lonely One. She put her life on hold when her dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease seven years ago. About her dad’s performances in his good-bye concert tour, “Every day was different. It was either a struggle or a delight – or both. There would be times when you would see him during the day and wonder if he would be able to say a complete sentence on stage. And then he’d go on and nail it and be Glen Campbell.”