May 17, 2013
Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Alzheimer's and the HIV/AIDS movement, "glimmers of hope" for Alzhimer's drug development, and the WWE invests in brain research (read more)
Must read
- A May 16, 2013 opinion piece by Michael Hodin, executive director of the Global Coalition on Aging, highlighted the similarities between the movements to stop Alzheimer's and HIV/AIDS and advocated for a concerted political effort to stop Alzheimer's. According to Hodin, "This diverse attention is now being given to Alzheimer's, a disease that is poised to become the nightmare of the 21st century without transformative breakthroughs in care, treatment, and prevention…As longevity continues to stretch in the developed world, and as it leaps by decades in the developing world, Alzheimer's will become a pandemic far greater than what we saw with HIV/AIDS a few decades ago. The need for a cure is urgent...On one hand, solutions to Alzheimer's will require concerted political action. David Cameron's leadership through G8 is a great start. G8 nations are feeling the brunt of the Alzheimer's explosion already, and prioritizing research and global collaboration is a substantial first-step. Cameron's idea to involve the private sector is also promising."
Research and science
- A May 16, 2013 Motley Fool article reported on setbacks and progress in the Alzheimer's drug development process. According to the article, "Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for this frustrating disease? Nothing is yet shining brightly, but several glimmers of hope are available. Most importantly, governments and pharmaceutical firms keep moving ahead. The end of the tunnel for Alzheimer's will only be reached one step at a time."
- A May 17, 2013 article reported that a British study has found that some young people have used dementia drugs to boost their mental performance. According to the article, "Medicines normally prescribed for Alzheimer’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were taken by 1% of 14 to 18-year-olds to improve their focus, concentration or memory, the report found."
- A May 16, 2013 USA Today article reported that World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) donated $1.2 million to concussion and brain trauma research. According to the article, "MWorld Wrestling Entertainment, known for past stars such as Hulk Hogan and current champ John Cena, says it is making a gift of $1.2 million over three years to further research aimed at developing a treatment for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. The brain disease, associated with repeated concussions, has come under scrutiny amid concussion-related lawsuits by more than 4,000 former NFL players against the league. CTE has been linked to depression and dementia."