May 28, 2014
Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Alzheimer's sufferer may be responsible for fire in South Korea, the evolution of smart pills, and a new research project aims to capture 100,000 brain scans to unlock mysteries of dementia (read more).
Must reads
- A May 28, 2014 Los Angeles Times article reported that a fire at an Alzheimer's care facility in South Korea left 21 dead and 8 injured. According to the article, "The fire took place overnight in Jangseong, a few hours south of the capital Seoul. The semi-official Yonhap News Agency reported that an 82-year-old man was detained for questioning on suspicion of having committed arson."
- A May 24, 2014 Washington Post article reported on the evolution of "smart pills" to help manage care for an aging population and addressed ethical concerns related to the growing role of technology in healthcare. According to the article, "As the size and cost of chip technology has fallen dramatically over the past few years, dozens of companies and academic research teams are rushing to make ingestible or implantable chips that will help patients track the condition of their bodies in real time and in a level of detail that they have never seen before…But while the technology may be within reach, the idea of putting little machines into the human body makes some uncomfortable, and there are numerous uncharted scientific, legal and ethical questions that need to be thought through…In 2002, when silicon chips containing their medical records were injected into some Alzheimer’s patients, it was deeply unsettling to privacy advocates. Several states subsequently passed legislation outlawing the forced implantations, and the technology never took off."
- A May 21, 2014 Drug Discovery and Development article reported that a new research project will capture brain scans of 100,000 research subjects in the UK. According to the article, "The pilot phase of the program has just been initiated and the first 50 subjects have already been successfully scanned using advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology from Siemens Healthcare. The study will capture images not only of their brains, but also their hearts and other organs in the quest to unlock understanding into the causes of dementia and diseases of middle to older age."