Today's Top Alzheimer's News
A June 4, 2016 Science Daily article reported that a new “Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease.” According to the article, “Cancer and Alzheimer's disease drugs target specific proteins, blocking or inhibiting their natural interactions, which may be in overdrive. The traditional drug design process typically assumes the protein shapes are static. But tradition turns out to be too limiting, according to new research.”
A June 4, 2016 article reported that Alzheimer’s was introduced in discussions about the GOP platform. According to the article, “A couple of topics were broached that aren’t currently part of the GOP platform, according to one lobbyist who attended: combating the opioid abuse epidemic and making progress in treating Alzheimer’s disease.”
A June 3, 2016 The Wall Street Journal article reported on the growing importance of family caregivers as the elderly population grows. According to the article, “Strain on family caregivers is alarming many lawmakers and social-service providers, who are hearing more stories like Mr. DeFreese’s. They are pushing for new ways to assist the vast unpaid workforce of people who are crucial in part because they allow more seniors to age in place and reduce reliance on public subsidies such as Medicaid, a major funder of institutional health care for older Americans.”
A June 3, 2016 CNBC article reported that “A group of researchers from the United States and United Kingdom says that tests on animals indicate that Alzheimer's patients may benefit from earlier tests — especially on long-term memory loss — which they say is not part of clinical tests currently.”
A June 5, 2016 The Great Falls Tribune article reported that “Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., recently said he has introduced legislation that will give financial aid to families providing long-term care for loved ones.” According to the article, “The Credit for Caring Act will create a nonrefundable tax credit worth up to $3,000 per year for people who spend more than $2,000 on caregiving expenses. Tester’s bill will help families pay for home modifications and medical supplies — as well as help reimburse family caregivers for lost wages and unpaid time-off due to providing care.”
A June 5, 2016 Daily Herald article highlighted the toll of Alzheimer’s on caregivers from a wife’s perspective. According to the article, “In her new book, "Navigating Alzheimer's," Doyle explains how her own life depended on changing the way she cared for her husband. Exhausted and depressed, Doyle's physical health was failing as she cared for Brodien in their Geneva home as Alzheimer's advanced for a decade. The disease was killing her faster than it was her husband, who is 20 years older and turns 82 next month.”
Scientific American: Separating Science Fiction from Science Fact in Memory Research