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A February 2, 2016 article reported on new research on the links between fish, mercury, and Alzheimer’s risk. According to the article, “Research shows seafood can protect the heart and brain—but it can also contain the heavy metal mercury, which can be especially toxic to brain neurons…Reporting in JAMA, she found that people who ate seafood at least once a week showed higher levels of mercury in the brain than those who ate less. But for people with a genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s, called ApoE4, eating more fish also showed lower amounts of harmful proteins in their brain.”
A February 2, 2016 article reported that “the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is launching a public health education campaign called Mind Your Risks.” According to the article, “The campaign is designed to raise awareness about how controlling the risk factors for stroke in middle age, particularly high blood pressure, may reduce the risk of cognitive decline later in life.”
A February 2, 2016 article highlighted how aging affects financial decision-making. According to the article, “It can be unsettling when you first recognize that a family member is having difficulty with financial tasks where once there was none. But more of us will find ourselves in that position; in just 15 years, one in five Americans will be 65 or older. So it’s in our best interest to understand and address the financial challenges facing older adults…At the same time, we can prepare younger generations to assist their elders and fare well as they age by helping them build their own experiential financial knowledge and store of crystallized financial intelligence.”
A February 2, 2016 The Street article reported that “The disclosure Tuesday that Pfizer...shelved an Alzheimer's drug candidate because of disappointing efficacy is having a negative impact on the market value of Axovant Sciences (AXON) , which is developing a similar Alzheimer's drug.”
The New York Times: N.F.L. Great Ken Stabler Had Brain Disease C.T.E.
Alzheimer’s News Today: Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Could Help Identify Early Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s News Today: Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Gets UC San Diego License
Alzheimer’s News Today: Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Study to Focus on Drug for Agitation