October 07, 2013
Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Alzheimer's researcher wins Nobel Prize, Women Against Alzheimer's advocate highlights disease' negative impact on women, and the Baltimore sun puts the spotlight on neuroscience researcher whose research is halted by the government shutdown (read more).
Must reads
- An October 7, 2013 Bloomberg article reported that James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas C. Suedhof won the Nobel Prize for research focused on how a cell’s machinery can navigate and drop off hormones and other molecules without getting lost, providing insight into diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's. According to the article, "While the discoveries by Rothman, Schekman and Suedhof haven’t yet led to medicines, they have led to better diagnostics for disease, said Göran K. Hansson, secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine."
- An October 5, 2013 Boston Herald opinion piece by Sara Allen Abbott of Women Against Alzheimer's highlighted Alzheimer's impact on women. According to Abbott, "With women more likely than men to be Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers, we now — more than ever — need to come together to fight this disease that’s rapidly becoming the greatest health crisis of the 21st century. Awareness is important, but it’s not a cure."
- An October 5, 2013 Baltimore Sun series put a spotlight on Marylanders hurt by sequestration including neuroscience researcher Jeff Mayse of the National Institute of Aging. According to Mayse, "It’s always something...Sequestration hit us really hard. It’s creating a very difficult environment for what are already very difficult experiments.”