March 12, 2014
Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Sen. Pat Toomey announces support for postage stamp bill to fund Alzheimer's research, Sen. Dick Durbin calls for $150 billion in biomedical research funding to combat diseases like Alzheimer's, and Maryland named the best state in the US for brain health (read more).
Must reads
- A March 12, 2014 Times Online article reported that "U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Zionsville, has announced he is supporting a bill that would direct proceeds from postage stamp sales to fund research for Alzheimer's." According to the article, "The bipartisan legislation would instruct the United States Postal Service to issue and sell an Alzheimer's Disease Research Semi-Postal Stamp, the proceeds of which would be transferred to the National Institutes of Health to pay for research."
- A March 11, 2014 Chicago Tribune article reported that Sen. Dick Durbin called for "$150 billion more in federal spending on biomedical research over 10 years, saying America’s place as the world’s innovation leader is at risk because it no longer invests enough in basic science." According to the article, "He noted that 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease and a new person is diagnosed with it every 68 seconds. Caring for Alzheimer’s patients cost Medicare and Medicaid $203 billion last year, with costs expected to skyrocket, so a medical breakthrough to delay the onset of the disease could save taxpayers billions, Durbin said."
- A March 11, 2014 Time article reported that Maryland is the best state in the US for brain health according to an index that measures mental health, social well-being, nutrition, and other factors. According to the article, "The 2014 America’s Brain Health Index ranks states on 21 measures, including mental health, social well-being, and nutrition. Maryland is Number One for high consumption of fish–which is linked to better brain health–and low rates of Alzheimer’s deaths, and smokers."