April 21, 2014
Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Connecticut 6th graders lobby on Alzheimer's, the need for a long-term budget scoring office, and PBS NewsHour explores why biologics aren't reaching market (read more).
Must reads and watch
- An April 20, 2014 Ridgefield Press (CT) article reported that area 6th graders made a trip to the state Capitol to advocate for increased Alzheimer's education. According to the article, "To Sophie Reale, one the best parts of the trip was sitting in an official conference room and listening to Sen. Kelly guide students through the process that Bill 179 will take before it is accepted or rejected. “We were told to keep writing our persuasive letters, as that was better than calling or emailing.”Julie Fandetti added, “I was moved when the legislators told us that it is important when young people get involved in government, as it gives them all hope.” Though Alzheimer’s may seem like something that might draw more concern from an older crowd, some of the youngsters had experience with the disease’s impact."
- An April 19, 2014 Journal Sentinel (WI) opinion piece by U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) and U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) highlighted new legislation that would create an office for long-term budget scoring to help prioritize high-impact policies. According to the authors, "Imagine what effective diabetes prevention could yield, not only in having healthier Americans, but in an improved economy. Likewise, innovations that can forestall or cure conditions such as Alzheimer's and heart disease are not just good for our overall health; they're good for our pocketbooks, too…Current budget estimates fail to demonstrate the benefits that effective programs will generate by way of long-term cost savings. This budget short-sightedness makes it difficult for Congress to distinguish between effective and ineffective policies, since many programs in health prevention and innovation can take well over a decade to take effect…Simply put, lawmakers need better long-term information to make the right decisions on behalf of our constituents. Knowing more about the back-end returns of our investments — what they're likely to yield by way of savings or additional costs, and when — will help Congress make better informed policy decisions, identify and promote the most effective policies to curb long-term health spending increases and ensure that investments in our future are made wisely."
- An April 19, 2014 PBS NewsHour video segment explored delays in getting biologics to market. According to the description, "NewsHour looks at a revolutionary class of drugs called "biologics." Americans have been paying more for their benefits than patients in Europe or Asia some say, because the "generic" versions or "biosimilars" have not hit the U.S. market. Dr. Emily Senay looks into why there's a delay and when American consumers can expect discounts."
- An April 18, 2014 USA2 blog post by Dr. Richard Morgan announced the launch of ClergyAgainstAlzheimer's. According to Dr. Morgan, "46 years ago our mother died from Parkinson’s dementia with little support, except from her family. Three years ago our sister, Patricia, died from vascular dementia. For many years I was a nursing home chaplain, offering care to persons with this dreadful disease. I have led conferences on caring for persons with dementia, and I continue to co-facilitate our Alzheimer’s support group…So now I have a new mission – working with this new advocacy group, recruiting clergy friends and others to join in this battle for the mind. I am mindful of Dr. Martin Luther King’s words, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking.”" Dr. Richard L. Morgan is a retired Presbyterian Pastor and founding member of the ClergyAgainstAlzheimer's Network.