Today's Top Alzheimer's News
An August 9, 2016 Bloomberg article reported that “Japan’s Eisai Co. said that an Alzheimer’s drug it is developing with Massachusetts-based Biogen Inc. will enter late-stage trials after getting the green light from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
An August 8, 2016 Evansville Courier & Press article reported that Alzheimer’s advocate Greg O’Brien will be the keynote speaker at the Mid-America Institute on Aging and Wellness Conference at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville. According to the article, “In fact, this fear has made it hard for there to be honest conversations about the disease, even in an age when other diseases such as cancer and AIDS are so readily and widely discussed, O’Brien said. He saw his position as a journalist as an ideal conduit through which to generate these conversations and to conquer one of the starkest aspects of living with Alzheimer’s disease: the feeling of being alone.”
An August 8, 2016 Reuters article reported that “Elderly people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet may benefit from better brain health and a lower risk for cognitive impairment later in life, according to a new U.S. study.”
An August 8, 2016 Chicago Tribune article called for readers to not “ignore possible long-term care needs.” According to the article, “Need for care typically lasts only about two to three years, but extended care for Alzheimer's could wipe out a couple's savings — leaving little in the way of financial resources for the surviving spouse…So before you decide you can't afford long-term care insurance, take a closer look at the alternatives. This is a bet you don't want to lose. And that's The Savage Truth.”