Today’s Top Alzheimer’s News
According to an August 17, 2017 Reuters article, researchers from Taiwan have found that chronic gum inflammation, or periodontitis, is associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Chronic periodontitis might contribute to a decline in thinking ability. People who had it for 10 or more years were 70 percent more likely to develop AD.
An August 17, 2017 Fururity article reported on the high cost of caring for people with neurodegenerative conditions in the US, especially dementia, which more than doubled the costs of aging health care expenditures. Researchers brought together data from the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set, the Aging Demographics and Memory Study, and federal Medicare records, to model the medical course.
An August 17, 2017 AlzForum article explored the link between disturbed sleep and Alzheimer’s disease. Sleep disordered breathing boosts the risk for cognitive impairment. Treating sleep disorders may substantially reduce cognitive decline and AD. Disordered breathing conditions are considered common, obesity nearly doubles the risk and the prevalence rises sharply with age.
An August 17, 2017 CBC News article and video segment spotlighted ACT@Home, an emotionally responsive 'virtual assistant' helping individuals living with Alzheimer's disease with day-to-day tasks. The home-based technology combines artificial intelligence with social psychological models. The prototype was developed to resolve the 'emotional disconnect' between technology and the people who need it.