Today's Top Alzheimer's News
A July 15, 2018 Medical News Today article reported that aggressive treatment with antiherpetic medication drastically lowers dementia risk by tenfold. According to Professor Richard Lathe at the University of Edinburgh, "Not only is the magnitude of the antiviral effect remarkable, but also the fact that — despite the relatively brief duration and the timing of treatment — in most patients severely affected by HSV1 it appeared to prevent the long-term damage in [the] brain that results in Alzheimer's."
A July 12, 2018 Medical News Today article focused on the use of vitamin D to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. A recent paper from Australian researchers concludes there is no solid evidence of "neuroprotective” properties from the vitamin, despite past studies finding that AD patients have lower than average levels. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun may provide protection.
Watch the July 11, 2018 United States Senate Committee on Finance Subcommittee Hearing, “Examining the Importance of Paid Family Leave for American Working Families.”
A July, 2018 The AMA (American Medical Association) Journal of Ethics article spoke about training physicians as spiritual healers. Read about the history of spirituality and health education with its challenges, evolving definition, and integration into medical education. Illness can be considered a “spiritual” event, inducing the search for meaning, purpose, and transcendence, and a connection to the significant or sacred, yet medical training does not adequately prepare physicians to help patients with the metaphysical needs of their illnesses.
Watch “Managing Dementia in Acute and Long-term Care Settings” from the Nursing Network about improving the hospital experience for people with dementia. Learn to decode challenging behaviors and non-drug strategies for managing the behaviors.