Today's Top Alzheimer's News
A December 3, 2018 BioSpace article referenced data in PhRMA’s new report, “Researching Alzheiemr’s Medicines: Setbacks and Stepping Stones,” about the state of the industry. According to the article, “The study notes, “In fact, a recent analysis of late stage Alzheimer’s drug, conducted by ResearchersAgainstAlzheimer’s, a global network of leading researchers, found nearly a hundred treatments in Phase II and III development in 2018. The analysis demonstrates that the drugs in development are increasingly attacking the disease in different ways—an important fact given that successful future treatments will likely rely on multiple therapies to stop the disease.”” RAA is a UsA2 network.
A December 2, 2018 Fox News opinion piece by Josh Bloom, PhD, and physician and molecular biologist Henry I. Miller raised tough questions about assisted suicide for people with Alzheimer’s disease. “Anyone who has spent time in a nursing home has seen what this terrible disease does to people. So it is not surprising that some people who have just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease wish to end their lives before the deterioration becomes terminal. But when is that legitimate? When is it possible? This is where legal and ethical matters become very murky.”
A December 3, 2018 The Washington Post In Sight piece spotlighted the photographic work of Stephen DiRado, who documented his father’s long descent into Alzheimer’s disease. He captured more than 3,000 black and white film images, dating back to 1980. DiRado received a grant from the Bob and Diane Fund, which promotes awareness of Alzheimer’s disease through visual storytelling. In Sight is The Washington Post’s photography blog for visual narrative.
A December 3, 2018 Medical Xpress article highlighted a new USC study, “BrainWorks,” which found that culturally-competent educational formats are an important way to reduce health disparities. African-Americans who received culturally-tailored text messages about Alzheimer's disease had the highest increase in literacy levels compared to other participants. According to study lead Karen Lincoln, “...Increasing Alzheimer's literacy among African-Americans is crucial for increasing their awareness of their personal risk for the disease, improving care, reducing disparities and ultimately enhancing the quality of life of people diagnosed and their caregivers."
A December 3, 2018 Technology Inquirer Science, Health and Research article spotlighted the “Dinsow Mini 2,” a Thai-made-and-designed robot companion for the elderly, especially people with Alzheimer’s. It features voice recognition, voice command and facial recognition, encourages brain exercises, and AI which allows the robot to learn more about the patient’s behavior and lifestyle. It comes equipped with wifi and can communicate instantly with the patient’s family.
A November 23, 2018 Being Patient article looked at bolstering brain health for older men. It was found that orange juice, leafy greens and berries may be beneficial, according to researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, based on a 20-year study of eating habits and self-reported cognitive health. Men who consumed the most amount of vegetables were 34 percent less likely to be experiencing poor thinking skills than those who consumed the least vegetables. According to study author Changzheng Yuan, “Our studies provide further evidence dietary choices can be important to maintain your brain health.”