Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Join-in today! Alzheimer’s advocate, journalist and bestselling author Meryl Comer leads UsAgainstAlzheimer’s next episode of Alzheimer’s Talks, at 5:30pm (EST). Comer talks with healthcare and aging expert Anne Tumlinson, who authored recommendations for building a system of brain health care, including a yearly brain health check-up. Listen by phone or watch online.
Purchase a copy of Alzheimer’s advocate Jamie Tyrone’s new book, “Fighting for My Life: How to Thrive in the Shadow of Alzheimer's.” The book tells Jamie’s own story of learning she has a 91% chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which runs in her family. Listen to a free audio book sample here. Tyrone is a WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s Founder. #FightingForMyLife
A May 8, 2019 Physics World article spotlighted a new clinical trial using non-invasive, low-intensity focused ultrasound to open the blood–brain barrier in participants with Alzheimer’s disease. Assisted by MR imaging, 1,000 focused ultrasound beams are transmitted through the skull to targeted brain tissue with toxic amyloid build-up. “In this research study, we are not delivering any medications. Our hypothesis is that, by opening the blood–brain barrier, a patient’s own immune defence may clear some of those harmful amyloids. If we determine this to be safe, in the next steps we would want to understand the effectiveness and the impact of opening the blood–brain barrier in improving cognitive decline,” said Neurosurgeon Vibhor Krishna of Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (a participating trial site).
A May 8, 2019 Science Daily article focused on researchers from King's College London looking into the connection between fatty molecules in blood which induce sleep, and amyloid in the brain. They found that fatty acid amides increased with elevated amyloid levels in the brain, and are connected to brain shrinkage and memory loss. According to lead study author Dr. Cristina Legido-Quigley, “A much-needed pre-requisite for new treatments for Alzheimer's Disease is a reliable diagnostic test that could be used to identify people at risk. A blood test would be cheaper than measuring amyloid in the brain and easier to do than a spinal tap. There is more work to be done.”
A May 8, 2019 Philly CBS 3 broadcast segment spotlighted researchers at Vanderbilt University working on a ‘brain in a petri dish.’ The goal is to create 3D models to help develop new drugs to treat conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. “When people think about neurodegeneration, they think about Alzheimer’s disease, but really there’s a lot of other facets of disease that are encompassed in dementia… Once we have the brain, we would be more of a stage where we could test perspective drugs to see if we could correct diseases,” said Assistant Professor Ethan Lippmann.
A May 7, 2019 Forbes article by Robert Mauterstock relied on personal experience with his mom, who had Alzheimer’s disease, to teach others to “learn to speak Alzheimer’s.” He advises not to say, “Do you remember,” which could cause loved ones to struggle to recall lost memories. Fibbing is okay if it avoids reliving painful memories, like the death of a loved one.According to Mauterstock, “Communicating with an Alzheimer’s patient can often be very frustrating and difficult to manage. It requires patience and an open heart. However if we listen carefully, it can be a very rewarding experience.”
There will be no dailies tomorrow - Friday, May 10, 2019.