G20 Leaders Commit to Implement Policies to Address Dementia, Including Promoting Risk Reduction
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Statement on G20 Leaders’ Declaration
July 8, 2019 (Washington, D.C.) – UsAgainstAlzheimer’s chairman and co-founder George Vradenburg today issued the following statement on the G20 Leaders’ Declaration, which included a commitment to address dementia through risk reduction, improved long-term care, and the promotion of dementia-friendly societies.
“UsAgainstAlzheimer’s commends G20 host Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and all of the G20 leaders for taking action aligned with our recommendations on making dementia a priority of the G20.
“Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) present the second inconvenient truth of this century. Just as climate change threatens our physical security, this disease threatens our mental security. As with climate change, it will take urgent and comprehensive global action to mitigate the rapid progression of this disease.
“There are 50 million people living with dementia worldwide. That number will balloon to 82 million by 2030 unless we act now to accelerate cures and catalyze a global public health response to reduce risk and mitigate community impacts.
“This commitment from the G20 leaders to address dementia reflects a growing understanding of the scale of this public health crisis and the urgency required to stop it. We are encouraged that the G20 Leaders’ Declaration not only included a commitment to addressing dementia, but also acknowledged the important role of risk reduction in stopping dementia.
“While developing pharmacological treatments for ADRD has been more complex than we could have predicted, we are confident that we will find a cure. As we continue to pursue pharmacological solutions, emerging scientific consensus also indicates that we all can take proactive, preventative actions to improve brain health across the lifespan and reduce the risk of developing dementia.
“We look forward to working with health officials from these nations to implement solutions to finally stop Alzheimer’s and end this public health crisis. Patients and families around the world are waiting.”