Today's Top Alzheimer's News
A November 22, 2019 S&P Global article quoted UsAgainstAlzheimer’s own Stephanie Monroe, Jason Resendez, Jill Lesser and John Dwyer about the critical importance of diversity and minority inclusion in Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials. Both African Americans and Hispanics have higher rates of AD. According to AfricanAmericansAgainstAlzheimer’s head Stephanie Monroe, “One of the primary reasons [minorities] don't participate in research is no one ever asks them.” “The scope of the challenge is big. There … hasn't really been a concerted effort to address that under-diagnosis, specifically among communities of color,” said LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s lead Jason Resendez.
A November 25, 2019 USA Today opinion piece by Maria Shriver and Ai-jen Poo looked to data from a new survey on politics and caregiving. 82% (crossing political and racial lines) support creating a federal program to meet caregiving demands across the lifespan. According to the piece, “…As we sit down to our dinner tables on Thursday, let’s have meaningful conversations and discuss with our parents and our children how we want to grow old. Let’s talk about which candidate to support in 2020 because they have a caregiving plan that makes sense for our families and our nation.” Also covered by The Hill.
A November 22, 2019 Newsweek Magazine article looked at the role of a version of the Mucin 6 gene in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. A new paper from co-author Dr. Peter Nelson of the University of Kentucky, whose grandmother had AD, found a link to the build-up of tau, a major hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. According to the article, “Nelson hopes the research will ultimately guide successful clinical trials "both in helping to improve our ability to diagnose people at risk, and to guide them to therapies and preventative measures that actually work.""
A November 17, 2019 DC Metro article reviewed “The Home,” a gospel stage play about an African American family coming to grips with Alzheimer’s disease, featuring Tony Award-Winner Melba Moore. Lead character Mama Lizzie experiences a series of mishaps as her family struggles to process. According to the article, “Moore unleashes her five-octave range on “Lean on Jesus,” bringing many of the audience members to their feet as she soars atop the highest of the high notes… The Home is emotionally moving entertainment filled with powerful scenes, timely humor, and magical singing.”
A November 24, 2019 The Advocate Alzheimer’s Q&A asked about looking for signs of cognitive issues when going home for the holidays. Cognitive decline can be caused by medications, stress and different diseases, in addition to Alzheimer’s. Be on the look-out for challenges in communication and memory, decreased visual ability and personality changes, all of which may be signs of dementia.