Today's Top Alzheimer's News
Join-in the American Society on Aging’s virtual event, “Living and Dying with Dementia; Taking Charge of your Personal Values.” UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Co-Founder and Chairman George Vradenburg will join an hour-long panel at 2pm (EST) sponsored by Compassion & Choices. Create an account on the ASA website to join the event and register here.
The Spring 2020 Southern Bulletin from the Friends of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary featured an article about Bishop Kenneth Carder and his “Dementia Through A Pastoral Lens” class, addressing social and theological issues surrounding dementia. The class asks such questions as, “Who am I when I forget who I am?’” Carder’s wife Linda passed away from frontotemporal dementia. According to Carder, “It sent us on a journey of learning about dementia. For me, it meant how do I live out my baptism, my ordination and my calling in the context of this journey with dementia?” Carder is a FaithUnitedAgainstAlzheimer’s Member, and contributor to UsA2’s Dementia-Friendly Worship Handbook.
Join-in the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s “Preserving Functional Ability During the COVID-19 Crisis” webinar. Alisa Tagg, BA, ACC/EDU, CADDCT, CDP, CDCS of the National Association of Activity Professionals speaks about keeping people with AD engaged and active during this extraordinary time. April 21, 2020 at 1pm (EST). Click here to register.
Stream Help for Alzheimer’s Families’ “Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s: E-Learning Course.” The course provides basic information about AD and other forms of dementia, and insights on how to better care for your loved one(s) and improve quality of life for everyone.