Brain Health Academy™ 2023

Free, evidence-based courses to equip healthcare and wellness providers with the knowledge and resources to help people reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.


Obesity and Dementia
May 17, 2023
Course Info
Nutrition and Dementia
June 21, 2023
Course Info
Hearing and Dementia
July 19, 2023
Course Info
Smoking and Dementia
October 18, 2023
Course Info
Alcohol Use and Dementia
November 15, 2023
Course Info
Depression and Dementia
December 12, 2023
Course Info

Evidence continues to show that many of the lifestyle habits we know are good for healthy aging such as good nutrition, physical activity, quality sleep, and social connection can also reduce the risk of dementia. And people are more likely to make these important lifestyle changes when they understand the risk factors that impact memory and brain health. Health and wellness providers have an important opportunity to connect the dots, and Brain Health Academy provides the information and resources to help do this.

The 2023 Academy includes six courses covering the science and interventions to address modifiable risk factors for dementia, including obesity, diabetes, hearing loss, depression, smoking, and alcohol use. Special attention will be given to ensuring culturally relevant strategies for serving populations that are disproportionately impacted by Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

UsAgainstAlzheimer's Brain Health Academy

Learn more about The Brain Health Academy, a series of free, evidence-based courses to equip healthcare and wellness providers with the knowledge and resources to help people reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Brain Health Academy Flyer