A Major Victory in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s

President Signs NAPA Reauthorization and AAIA into Law

Washington, DC (October 2, 2024) — UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is proud to announce that President Biden has officially signed the reauthorization of the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act (AAIA) into law. Together, NAPA and AAIA advance the national strategic plan for Alzheimer’s.

The reauthorization of the NAPA recognizes Alzheimer’s as a critical public health crisis. Particularly, NAPA increases public awareness and support for people living with the disease and their families.  The AAIA would enhance accountability and transparency in federal funding for Alzheimer’s research, care, and support services. Specifically, the bill requires the National Institutes of Health to submit an annual budget and estimated personnel needed to carry out initiatives related to NAPA.

“We are thrilled to see this legislation signed into law. This marks a monumental step forward in the fight against Alzheimer’s,” said George Vradenburg, chair and co-founder of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.  “A national and increased investment in Alzheimer’s research brings us closer to better treatments and, ultimately, a cure. This is a victory for the millions of families who face the devastating impact of Alzheimer’s.”

As Alzheimer’s rates continue to rise, this legislation will enhance research, increase caregiver support, and address public health challenges linked to the disease. UsAgainstAlzheimer’s will continue to advocate for resources and policies that support families, caregivers, and patients in the battle against this devastating disease.

About UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is engaged in a relentless pursuit to end Alzheimer’s, the sixth leading killer in America. Our work centers on prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and equal access to treatments regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. To achieve our mission, we give voice to patients and caregivers while partnering with government, scientists, the private sector, and allied organizations -- the people who put the “Us” in UsAgainstAlzheimer’s