House Unanimously Passes BOLD Act to Strengthen Alzheimer's Public Health Response

Washington, DC (September 18, 2024) — UsAgainstAlzheimer's applauds the House of Representatives for the unanimous passage of the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act (Building Our Largest Dementia Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act), a step in the right direction to significantly improve our nation’s public health response to Alzheimer’s disease.  This legislation will provide funding for state, local and tribal public health departments to support the implementation of interventions that center on reducing risks and increasing early detection and diagnosis of the disease, particularly in underserved communities. UsAgainstAlzheimer’s chair and co-founder George Vradenburg issued the following statement in response to the BOLD Act passage:

“This legislation is crucial for addressing one of the biggest public health crises Americans face today. Over 40 million Americans today have the pathology but not yet the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.  By focusing on the steps we can take today, before the symptoms of dementia emerge, the BOLD Act will encourage state, local and tribal public health departments to urge all Americans to take an active role in preventing future dementia symptoms.  We are grateful for the bipartisan efforts in the House to pass this legislation and urge the Senate to act quickly in moving this bill to the President’s desk, providing a path for Americans to act now to prevent future disabling symptoms of this damned disease.”

About UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is engaged in a relentless pursuit to end Alzheimer’s, the sixth leading killer in America. Our work centers on prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and equal access to treatments regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. To achieve our mission, we give voice to patients and caregivers while partnering with government, scientists, the private sector, and allied organizations -- the people who put the “Us” in UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.