UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action Statement on Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s New Plan to Help Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers
Washington, D.C. (July 15, 2019) – UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action chairman and co-founder George Vradenburg today released the following statement regarding Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s recently released plan to help Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers.
“UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action applauds Sen. Klobuchar for elevating the issue of Alzheimer’s and related dementias in the presidential primary. Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in the United States, and the largest global and US public health crisis of the 21st century. Sen. Klobuchar’s leadership on this issue separates her from the pack of 2020 Democratic candidates and presents a welcome challenge to other candidates to step forward with their plans and to catalyze a robust discussion about a critically important healthcare issue that affects millions of Americans and tens of million families around the world.
“Aging and Alzheimer’s is the second inconvenient truth of this century, on a par with the challenge of climate change. As climate change challenges our physical security, Alzheimer’s challenges our economic, social, fiscal and health security. Alzheimer’s presents presidential candidates with a moral dilemma and leadership challenge. As treatments and cures continue to elude us, we need strong leadership on this issue — the kind of leadership that will not flinch in the face of a seemingly unbeatable adversity. Our country has cured the incurable before — Sen. Klobuchar has committed us to do so again.
"Thank you, Sen. Klobuchar, for speaking truth to the one of the most powerful and intractable of adversaries to the health and well-being of American families — Alzheimer’s disease."