UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Applauds AARP for its Commitment to Disrupting Dementia Through its $60 Million Investment in the Dementia Discovery Fund
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Chairman George Vradenburg today issued the following statement regarding the announcement by AARP that it will invest $60 million in the Dementia Discovery Fund:
“UsAgainstAlzheimer’s applauds AARP for its $60 million investment in the Dementia Discovery Fund and its acknowledgement that combating dementia requires deep, urgent attention and investment from all sectors of society. With this move, AARP squarely joins the movement to stop Alzheimer’s and we welcome their strategic investment, energy, and collaboration.
“This is a significant moment for those living with Alzheimer’s disease, their caregivers, those at risk, and all of us fighting against this progressive brain disease. As even the most committed industry leaders experience setbacks in Alzheimer’s drug development, we must double down on efforts to make meaningful progress towards a cure, and non-traditional investments like AARP’s will be critical to this progress. And we are thrilled that AARP has brought Quest Diagnostics and UnitedHealth Group to the table with an additional investment of $15 million in the Dementia Discovery Fund.
“We now have a diverse set of stakeholders – including industry, government, nonprofits, and philanthropists – investing considerable resources to cure Alzheimer’s. This collaborative and cross-sector approach is critical to stopping the third leading cause of death in the US.
“AARP’s funding commitment complements the brain health work of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, which seeks to improve our health system’s ability to detect, diagnosis, treat, and ultimately cure Alzheimer’s. We are convening and activating health providers, payers, industry and community leaders, and consumers to build and scale a brain health ecosystem that puts patients and families first.
“AARP’s dedication to promoting innovation in brain health is well aligned with our vision for a healthier America, and we look forward to working with AARP and other stakeholders to disrupt dementia.”