April 26, 2016—UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2) co-founders, George and Trish Vradenburg, as well as UsA2 network leads Jill Lesser (WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s), Jason Resendez (LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s), Drew Holzapfel (ResearchersAgainstAlzheimer’s) and Virginia Biggar (ClergyAgainstAlzheimer’s) will be guests on today’s Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio show, hosted by Lori La Bey, at 2 pm EST.
The popular weekly show is dedicated to giving a voice to those afflicted with memory loss and their caregivers, empowering them to live purpose-filled lives. Its goal is to raise awareness, give hope and share the real everyday life of living with dementia. During this week’s show, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s leaders will provide key insights into the progress that is being made to create awareness at the local and national level and ultimately accelerate the development of an Alzheimer’s cure by 2020.
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio was launched in 2011 by La Bey, who was searching for answers and resources while her mother, who died in 2014, coped with Alzheimer’s. La Bey, who also hosts webinars called Dementia Chats and conducts other coaching and training on Alzheimer’s disease, has been a fervent advocate and was named the No. 1 online influencer of Alzheimer’s by Dr. Oz and Sharecare.
To listen to the show, visit https://www.spreaker.com/show/alzheimers-speaks. The website also features archives of previous shows.
Follow the Alzheimer’s Speaks show on Twitter at https://twitter.com/alzspks.
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2) is an innovative non-profit organization demanding – and delivering – a solution to Alzheimer’s. Driven by the suffering of millions of families, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s presses for greater urgency from government, industry and the scientific community in the quest for an Alzheimer's cure – accomplishing this through effective leadership, collaborative advocacy, and strategic investments.
Founded in 2010, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has worked across sectors to: (1) secure the national goal of preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer’s by 2025 and help secure nearly $500 million in additional public funding for Alzheimer’s research over the past few years; (2) drive global efforts that resulted in the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations, the G7 group, to embrace a similar 2025 goal and to call for greater levels of research investment and collaboration; and (3) forge industry commitments to improve efficiencies for an expedited drug discovery and approval process.