UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Praises $350 Million Increase for NIH Funding for Alzheimer’s Research
Washington, D.C. (December 16, 2019) UsAgainstAlzheimer’s today issued the following statement from George Vradenburg, chairman and co-founder, on the announcement that Congressional leaders have reached agreement on a $350 million increase in fiscal year 2020 to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research into Alzheimer’s and dementia. The legislation containing this NIH research funding is expected to be voted on this week by the House and Senate, sending the legislation to President Trump. The legislation, when approved, would increase funding for Alzheimer’s and dementia research to $2.8 billion, a major increase in the past five years.
“This $350 million increase is an important investment to power Alzheimer’s research into effective treatment and prevention. We applaud the decisive leadership by Sen. Roy Blunt, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Patty Murray, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Rep. Tom Cole and Rep. Rosa DeLauro that led to this increased funding for Alzheimer’s research.
“Alzheimer’s is the greatest public health crisis to our society in this century. It affects 5.8 million Americans and their 16 million caregivers today, and if nothing changes, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s will balloon to 14 million by 2050. The economic costs are an incredible burden on our nation. The emotional and social costs on patients, families, and caregivers are incalculable, with an estimated 500,000 deaths a year from this disease.
“Increased research funding is the key to help and hope for patients and caregivers, and we urge quick approval of this legislation by the House and Senate to continue to expand critically needed Alzheimer’s research funding.
“After years of disappointment in drug development efforts, Alzheimer’s research may be on the verge of important breakthroughs. A promising therapy is expected to be submitted for FDA approval in 2020 and other drugs are moving through the development and regulatory pipeline to treat Alzheimer’s or its symptoms.
“This newest increase in Alzheimer’s research funding shows the U.S. leadership in the fight globally, with 50 million people now affected by this disease are expected to triple by mid-century.
“The momentum is heading in the right direction, but the work is far from over. Approval of this increased funding for Alzheimer’s research is an important step forward for people living with the disease, their caregivers and families.”
About UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2)
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2) is a disruptive advocacy and research-focused organization that is pressing for greater resources and speed in the development of and access to effective interventions for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. UsA2’s transformative programming is laser-focused on fostering brain health across the lifespan and assuring that the voice and insights of those affected by the disease are heard, including, importantly, communities of color and low income.