UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Statement on New Study Showing Lifestyle Changes Reverse Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Washington, DC (June 7, 2024) — A newly-released study published in Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy found that after 20 weeks of intensive lifestyle intervention, such as diet and exercise, many patients with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage Alzheimer’s disease saw significant improvement in brain cognition and function, without the use of medication. UsAgainstAlzheimer’s chair and co-founder George Vradenburg released the following statement in response to this exciting development:

“This impressive study offers hope for those living with early-stage Alzheimer’s. But it doesn’t stop there — this new research also provides a roadmap in the fight against a disease that robs too many people of their memories and their lives.

“We’ve long understood the importance of lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise in reducing the risk of developing dementia. However, this small study suggests something quite unexpected, namely an actual reversal of Alzheimer’s symptoms without medication. As another part of the treatment toolbox for patients and doctors to consider, this approach could lead to better cognitive function, lower health care costs, and improve quality of life.

“We congratulate Dr. Ornish and his colleagues on this important research and thank them for their commitment in the fight to end Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”

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About UsAgainstAlzheimer’s

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is engaged in a relentless pursuit to end Alzheimer’s, the sixth leading killer in America. Our work centers on prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and access to treatments – all regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. To achieve our mission, we give voice to patients and caregivers while partnering with government, scientists, the private sector, and allied organizations -- the people who put the “Us” in UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.