UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Posts by usagainstalzheimer's

July 17, 2019 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

Welcome to the New Era of Alzheimer’s Research: How People with Alzheimer’s and Care Partners are Shaping the Future of Drug Development

This article was originally published by Lundbeck on July 17, 2019. By Mark Terry Leigh Callahan, PhD, is a respected epidemiologist and outcomes researcher who focuses on rheumatic disease. Her husband, John Winfield, MD, now retired, had a distinguished career as a researcher and rheumatologist. While their professional lives have focused principally on joints, they now find themselves at the leading edge of brain research. This is because John has Alzheimer’s, Leigh is his care partner, and together they are participating in a groundbreaking research project that seeks to generate patient/care partner insights and develop new meaningful, measurable outcomes that
March 01, 2019 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

New Study Finds Deep Sleep is Best for Brain ‘Cleaning,’ Shows Connection Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s

A new study conducted at the University of Rochester Medical Center has found that brain activity during deep, non-REM sleep is ideal for the brain’s glymphatic system to “clean” itself of toxins. Some of these include the toxic proteins beta amyloid and tau, the buildup of which has been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Beta amyloid and tau are thought to harm and inhibit communication between neurons. “Sleep is critical to the function of the brain’s waste removal system and this study shows that the deeper the sleep the better,” said Maiken Nedergaard, co-director of the] Center for Translational Neuromedicine
February 11, 2019 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

A First Look at the Upcoming Film “Remembering Gene Wilder”

The upcoming film “Remembering Gene Wilder” will give a rare glimpse into Gene Wilder’s personal life and battle with Alzheimer’s. UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is proud to be an official community partner of this incredibly important project. Gene Wilder’s wife Karen says of the film that: “Our goal for telling Gene’s story is to create awareness and attention for Alzheimer’s disease. So many people in this country have the disease but sadly, have never been diagnosed. We hope that by watching his story, people will be encouraged to see their family physician if they suspect or start showing symptoms similar to Gene’s.” Click
June 14, 2018 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

Father’s Day: Reflections on Alzheimer’s Disease

This Father’s Day, a day when families come together to celebrate generations of beloved fathers in their lives, we pause to reflect upon the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on families. As we give thanks for the Dads in our lives, we must consider how Alzheimer’s has affected these men, and the stories that illustrate their strength and resilience in the face of this complex disease. On this Father’s Day, join us in the fight for a cure. Share your Alzheimer’s story here. Lisette Carbajal “When the reminders for Father’s Day begin, memories of Father’s Days past are what I cling