UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

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Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

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December 18, 2015 - Ann Napoletan

Keeping the "Happy" in Holidays

Ann Napoletan is a founder of UsAgainstAlzheimer's Caregiver Support Group, a member of both our Activists and Clergy Networks, and authors the blog " The Long and Winding Road though Alzheimer's." She also manages the Treasury Department for the nation's largest not-for-profit provider of affordable senior housing and services. Ann also lost her mom to Alzheimer's. Here she offers expert advice on managing what can be such a challenging time of the year. - Trish December is a particularly difficult month. I lost my mom on December 15, 2012 following her long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. The holiday season had
December 14, 2015 - Greg O'Brien

Bipartisan Effort Needed to Slay Alzheimer's

Nobody says it better than Greg. Any Congressperson who doesn't support a huge uptick in research funds for Alzheimer's disease neeeds a heart transplant. Greg's opinion piece was published in The Hill newspaper - Trish
December 09, 2015 - Daisy Duarte

Alzheimer's Stole My Mom's Memories, and Mine Are Next

Daisy Duarte is a patient Advocate for LatinosAgainstAlzheimer's Network. Daisy calls on lawmakers to make Alzheimer's research funding a national priority in this story, which appeared in the Kansas City Star.
November 20, 2015 - Trish Vradenburg

In Grace's Honor

This piece originally appeared on Huffington Post. - Trish My mother, Bea Lerner, was a powerhouse. Politics was her passion. Back in 1960, John F. Kennedy credited her with winning New Jersey -- a pivotal state -- for his election. As a result, she earned a spot on Nixon's infamous "Enemies List." She wore this badge proudly. In 1987 my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I was sure she could beat it. After all, she won every battle she ever fought...but she was no match for Alzheimer's. No one is. In 1992, this valiant lioness of a woman finally disappeared
September 29, 2015 - George and Trish Vradenburg

A Lesson From Those With Physical Disabilities

This post originally appeared on Huffington Post. - Trish Recently, well-known Alzheimer's advocate and 12-year early onset Alzheimer's sufferer, Michael Ellenbogen, shared his frustration about the lack of pace in the fight against Alzheimer's in written testimony to the U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services (HHS). Was a mass shooting similar to Columbine necessary to draw more attention to Alzheimer's? he asked. "I would never do that ... I am trying to get your attention and I am failing and dying at the same time." At this point HHS security deemed Mr. Ellenbogen a threat and banned him from