UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Stay up to date on the latest from UsAgainstAlzheimer's on our blog. Read about what our team is working on, the latest advancements in research, and what you can do to join the fight.

Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

View Jay's Journal Women of UsAgainstAlzheimer's.

September 17, 2020 - Kelly O'Brien

Alzheimer’s: Moving from a Wish and a Prayer to Hope and a Plan

In 2013, more than one hundred scientists from 36 countries called upon governments of highly industrialized nations to make prevention of dementia one of their major health aims. Nearly a decade later none of nations in the G8 at that time has done this, despite the increasing cadence of strong evidence that protective measures and risk reduction steps are effective in delaying onset of dementia and in some cases, preventing it. The Economist stated it unequivocally: dementia is a global emergency and governments should act now. Millions of families deserve better information and swift action. Setting a national goal to
September 08, 2020 - Greg O'Brien

The Power of Prayer: ‘It’s All About Breathing’

The Hot Chocolate Sparrow in Orleans on Outer Cape Cod is an inspiring place to think, write, and to talk. COVID-19 has chased all of us out of this eclectic cafe, so we now sit outside on picnic tables in the late summer sun on the lip of Cape Cod Bay. I’m sitting today over morning coffee with the Very Reverend Tracey Lind, former Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland. We’ve become good friends. I’m here to listen. Tracey is wearing a bracelet with the anacronym: P.U.S.H. I ask her about it. Tracey, persistent in her faith, says, “Pray
September 04, 2020 - Virginia Biggar

Giving Voice to What Matters Most: Dementia's Not What You Think It Is

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s “Giving Voice to What Matters Most” series features the stories of people who are living with dementia or at high risk for the disease. Tracey Lind, Daisy Duarte and Greg O’Brien recently met by Zoom to talk about issues that are important to them. The three friends want to help others understand what it’s like to have dementia or be at high risk. In part four of the series, Tracey, Daisy and Greg talk stigma and misconceptions about dementia. We hear first from Tracey Lind. Tracey Lind: There are a number of misconceptions and stigma related to dementia. One
August 27, 2020 - Virginia Biggar

Giving Voice to What Matters Most: Days Mush Together

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s series “Giving Voice to What Matters Most”— features the stories of people who are living with dementia or at high risk for the disease. Tracey Lind, Greg O’Brien and Daisy Duarte recently met by Zoom to talk about issues that are important to them. By sharing their experiences, they hope to reduce stigma and misconceptions about dementia, and empower others to speak freely and live life to the fullest. In this episode, Tracey, Daisy and Greg talk about how they manage day to day, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tracey Lind: In some ways it’s easier because we’re really
August 24, 2020 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

What Will Happen to My Loved One if I Become Sick with COVID-19? Making a Plan.

By Terry Frangiosa and Meryl Comer The personal and collective fear of “What If I Get Sick with COVID-19?” continues to dominate headlines and affect the mindset of people across the nation and much of the world. To bring it closer to home and into our own (immediate and extended) families, we all feel the angst that we could potentially infect a loved one. Compounding that angst is the stress, felt by care partners of people with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, who balance that apprehension 24/7, even as their loved one’s dementia continues to progress. Five UsAgainstAlzheimer’s A-LIST monthly