Alzheimer's Talks

A free podcast series offered by UsAgainstAlzheimer's covering a wide range of topics with leaders in the Alzheimer's community. If you're interested in sponsoring, email [email protected].

Latest Talks

On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's - Author Greg O'Brien

Five years after award-winning journalist Greg O’Brien was diagnosed with early onset Alzheime


Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's? - Dr. Mary Newport

What if a spoonful of coconut oil each day were all it took to reverse or slow down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s?


Defending & Repairing Brain Cells - Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton

A number of factors put women at higher risk for Alzheimer’s, but some critical strategies can delay or prevent the onset of this disease.


Do Concussions Lead to Alzheimer's? - Dr. Bruce Miller

Concussions and traumatic brain injury can actually be a risk factor for degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s.