Dr. Dean Ornish - Lifestyle Changes and the Reversal of Alzheimer’s Symptoms (part 1)

Imagine being able to fight the effects of Alzheimer’s through changes to the way you live your daily life. Dr.


In 2012, before podcasts, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s began a call-in talk show hosted by George Vradenburg and Meryl Comer that transformed into a webinar. These archived episodes are listed below.

Developing a Culture of Brain Health - Dr. Neelum Aggarwal

No longer a concern simply for later years, achieving brain health across the lifespan requires understanding, attention, a


Millennials & Brain Health: Be Brain Powerful

While Alzheimer's disease is most common among people aged 65 and older, research from AARP and UsAgainstAlzheimer's finds its effects are being fe


Biomarker Tests: What We Know & What's Ahead - Scott Lewis & Melissa Bianchi

What if a blood test or other simple exam could one day detect Alzheimer’s?


Veterans & Alzheimer’s: What's The Link? What Resources Are Available? Thomas Edes, MD & Alex Chiu, PhD

For Veterans Day, our Alzheimer’s Talk focused on the Alzheimer’s risks that veterans face, the Department of Veterans Affa


In Search of a Way to Inhibit Tau - Prof. Claude Wischik

Tangles of the protein tau in the brain are known to be a sign of Alzheimer’s, but research seeking an Alzheimer’s treatment has