Dr. Dean Ornish - Lifestyle Changes and the Reversal of Alzheimer’s Symptoms (part 1)

Imagine being able to fight the effects of Alzheimer’s through changes to the way you live your daily life. Dr.


In 2012, before podcasts, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s began a call-in talk show hosted by George Vradenburg and Meryl Comer that transformed into a webinar. These archived episodes are listed below.

Alzheimer's Clinical Trials & Barriers Among Diverse Communities - Dr. Goldie Byrd, Daisy Duarte & Valerie Smith

September’s Alzheimer’s Talks focused on the importance of clinical trials, particularly to better understand the motivations of and barriers to pa


Alzheimer's Research at the National Institute on Aging - Dr. Laurie Ryan

Dr. Laurie Ryan was our guest for the June Alzheimer’s Talks. Dr.


On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's - Greg O'Brien

Author and journalist Greg O’Brien spoke about his journey into Alzheimer’s disease with Meryl Comer.


Genetics & Alzheimer's Risk - Dr. Gregory Jicha

For our March Alzheimer's Talks, UsAgainstAlzheimer's senior policy adviser Debra Lappin spoke with