UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

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Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

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May 08, 2013 - Gee Gerke

The Fight of Her Life

As a little girl in what is now North Korea, my mother, Bock Sill, watched as the communist regime dragged away her grandmother to kill her. In the horror, she found strength. She relied on that strength as she fled to South Korea during the Korean War. She used that strength to find a job, meet my father, Tae Hun, and immigrate to the United States to provide a better life for her children. Today, she relies on that strength to care for my father, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Thirty nine years ago, my parents immigrated to the United States
May 02, 2013 - Lisa Hirsch

My Mom, My Hero

With another Mother’s Day approaching I can only feel blessed that my mom is still alive and still able to know who I am. For me each day begins with phoning her, because I am a long distance caregiver. Just yesterday I asked if she wanted to speak with me. Her sweet reply was, of course she wants to speak to me, “ for I am her daughter and she loves me.” As she shared her words and sentiments with me, it brought such warmth to my heart and filled my eyes with tears. My relationship with my mom was
April 30, 2013 - Trish Vradenburg

Chicken Little and the President

Chicken Little was in the woods. A seed fell on his tail. Chicken Little said, The sky is falling.” So he ran to tell the king and everyone in the kingdom. That got me to thinking about looming research budget cuts caused by sequestration and pondering, is President Obama the Chicken Little of Sequestration? Maybe he’s just making a big deal about the slash in medical funding for research. Or maybe Republicans are right – it’s all just Gloom without the Doom. So I started looking for answers. I looked through less than a month’s worth of news clips. Not
February 14, 2013 - Trish Vradenburg

The Lady with All the Answers

Dear Abby: I have always wanted to have my family history traced, but I can’t afford to spend a lot of money to do it. Have you any suggestions? — M. J. B. in Oakland, Calif. Dear M. J. B.: Yes. Run for a public office. Such was the incisive wit of Pauline Friedman Phillips, known to millions as Dear Abby. Affectionately nicknamed “Popo” by friends, Dear Abby was the advice maven of a generation – or rather, generations. Dear Abby: Are birth control pills deductible? — Bertie Dear Bertie: Only if they don’t work. Admittedly not an expert in
February 11, 2013 - Trish Vradenburg

I Must Have a Puppy

It occurs to me that my mother never told us some basics about what she wanted should she ever have Alzheimer’s. True, few people think in those terms, but since both my grandmother and mother had Alzheimer’s, there’s a good chance I will be next. So, here’s my first list for my husband, daughter and son: 1. I must have a puppy to lick me and stay by my side and think everything I do is wonderful. 2. Hair: I must always be a blond with shoulder length hair. No pixie cut. Only Mia Farrow and Peter Pan can carry