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July 23, 2012 - Trish Vradenburg

Two Good men

It’s easy to pick Sargent Shriver out of a picture. The rule of thumb is this: if ninety-nine people look solemn and there is only one person smiling, that person is inevitably Sargent Shriver. And if those people in the picture could come alive for, say, ten minutes, you could come back and find ninety-nine more people smiling. So what does he know that the others don’t? He knew how to embrace the joy of life. In short, he was contagious. What a gift. Mark Shriver’s moving book, A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver, is a deeply personal
Read more Sargent Shriver People with Alzheimer's
June 14, 2012 - Trish Vradenburg

African Americans are 2 to 3 Times More Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s

Editor's note: This guest post is by J. Patrick Berry, a former partner of the law firm Baker Botts LLP where he currently serves as Senior Counsel. The views expressed below are those of Mr. Berry and do not reflect the views of Baker Botts LLP. Mr. Berry is a founding board member of USAgainstAlzheimer's and is also the author of Escape from Enchantment, a novella based on his own family's experience with Alzheimer's. African Americans are 2 to 3 Times More Likely to Develop Alzheimer's. When I first heard this statistic, it literally blew me away. Not that there
Read more Alzheimer's research People with Alzheimer's
May 03, 2012 - Trish Vradenburg

The Case for Choice

Originally posted at The other day my husband and I were making out our Last Will and Testament. Not a fun chore, to be sure, but ultimately necessary (though, of course, we're never going to die). The one thing we don't agree on is our living will. My husband wants to have a DNR (do not resuscitate) clause to be used if he is simply prolonging his life -- with no hope for recovery. He used to joke that if he were asleep and sneezed, I would tell a doctor it was time to pull the plug. He stopped
Read more Alzheimer's research Daughter People with Alzheimer's
March 30, 2012 - Trish Vradenburg

Going It Alone

Originally posted at Married people live longer and healthier lives. Consider this: nine out of ten married men who are alive at 48 will make it to 65-years-old (no, it will not just seem like it) as compared with six out of 10 of men who are not married. Women on the other hand are in better shape statistically. So be aware men; Marriage can save your life. Be grateful. I will be forwarding this to my husband. But not everyone agrees with this hypothesis. One of my associates, Guy, insists that his wife will be the death of
Read more Husbands and Wives Alzheimer's research People with Alzheimer's
March 16, 2012 - Trish Vradenburg

Frozen Snickers for Everyone

Remember the good old days when statins were the safest drug to take? Oh, wait, that was last month. I am currently on a statin. I began a few years ago when I read an article that alleged that statins could help prevent Alzheimer’s. This was of no small concern to me since my Mom had died from Alzheimer’s and women are more likely to die from Alzheimer’s than men (65% of Alzheimer’s patients are women, 35% are men); even more so if their mother had Alzheimer’s – but that’s another story. So when I read an article that said
Read more Alzheimer's research Statin Fighting Alzheimer's